Attend a PSE wildfire preparedness open house, either in-person or online.
在高风险的野火天气条件下, PSE will take proactive steps to ensure safety while balancing the reliable delivery of energy to our communities. One tool we may use is temporarily shutting off power lines to help prevent wildfires from starting. 这被称为公共安全断电(PSPS)。, and it’s a measure of last resort to keep you and your community safe.
- PSE will communicate with impacted customers in advance of and during a PSPS.
- PSPS could be used anywhere in PSE’s service area if a combination of dangerous conditions are forecast, 然而, customers in areas at higher risk for wildfire are more likely to experience PSPS.
- PSE will consider PSPS when weather and fire experts forecast dangerous conditions, 包括强风, 非常干燥的植被, 湿度低.
- We will only restore power when it is safe to do so – after the weather has passed and crews can inspect the impacted power lines and make any needed repairs. This could take several days if damaging winds occur, and we want you to be prepared.
PSE will consider PSPS during high-risk wildfire conditions, 包括强风, 非常干燥的植被, 湿度低. 天气变化很快. Our goal is to notify customers two days before a PSPS outage starts, 但这取决于天气预报.
一旦开始, a PSPS outage will include the duration of the weather event, line inspections and time for crews to make any needed repairs before restoration. This could last several days if damaging winds occur, and we want you to be prepared.
重要的: If you have medical equipment that relies on electricity, 请遵循以下指导方针 将生命支持状态添加到您的帐户. Life Support 状态 is not a guarantee of service and PSE strongly suggests that customers have an appropriate emergency plan in place for Life Support.
一旦高风险的天气条件消退, crews will visually inspect the power lines to check for any damage or safety concerns before 恢复供电.
随着我们的外勤小队进入地面, we will add and update estimated times for restoration (ETRs) on PSE’s 停机地图.
- 区域ETR: The date/time we expect most customers in a larger region to have their power restored. Some customers will be restored sooner than the regional ETR, 而其他客户可能会在.
- 场ETR: These ETRs are provided by our field personnel once line patrols are complete and updated as crews make any needed repairs.
PSE will work to safely restore power as quickly as possible, but there can be challenges if there is limited access or visibility, 对系统造成严重破坏, 或者附近的活火. Restoration work could take several days depending on the damage from heavy winds and we want you to be prepared.
PSE will communicate with impacted customers in advance of and during a PSPS. When possible, the 警报s will start two days before the PSPS is initiated.
- For the latest information about a PSPS in your area, visit the PSE Alerts and updates webpage.
- PSPS 中断 and ETRs will appear on the 停机地图 and MyPSE app.
- PSE will also share information with emergency response partners, 地方政府, 社区组织, 还有媒体.
PSE帐户持有人将收到自动呼叫, 文本, 或者电子邮件提醒, 根据您的帐户偏好.
- Customers with 医疗生命支持 状态 noted in their PSE帐户 will receive earlier notification, 在可能的情况下, 通过电话. 了解更多关于 医疗生命支持 状态.
- Once the PSPS is initiated, PSE will send updates every 12 hours, and once power is restored.
- Make sure your PSE帐户 contact information is up to date by visiting pse.或致电十大彩票平台部1-888- 225-5773.
Non-account holders can opt-in to receive updates via PSE’s 停机地图.
- Visit the 停机地图, select the specific outage, and click “Notify me about this outage.”
- You will receive 状态 and restoration updates for the duration of the outage event via 文本 or email.
Learn what steps you to take before, during, and after a PSPS outage by visiting
What will happen to my water or natural gas service during a PSPS?
Shutting down power lines for a PSPS would only turns off an area’s electric service. 然而, 就像暴风雨停电时一样, water pumps and natural gas appliances might also be impacted if they use electricity to operate.
如果你的太阳能电池板连接到电网, 他们可能会在PSPS期间关闭, 就像在任何其他类型的停电期间一样, 为了安全.
Can I run a generator or battery for back-up power during a PSPS?
是的. Just be sure to follow the manufacturer’s operating and safety instructions. 找到更多的 发电机安全提示.
If the National Weather Service issues a Red Flag Warning, does that mean there will be a PSPS?
Red Flag Warnings are just one factor in PSE’s decision-making process and do not automatically mean a PSPS will occur. PSE will consider PSPS when weather and fire experts forecast dangerous conditions, 包括强风, 非常干燥的植被, 湿度低.
How do I prepare a tenant or vacation renters for a potential PSPS?
Please make sure tenants and vacation renters are aware of any wildfire risks in your area and how PSPS could potentially impact your property’s power supply. 另外, please encourage safety measures during wildfire season to reduce the risk of starting a fire. 有关PSPS信息和野火安全措施,请访问
是的, PSPS is a tool of last resort used during high-risk wildfire weather conditions. 在实施关断之前, PSE will work to reduce risk using other operational procedures, 如暂停维修工作或接通电源 增强型电源线设置(EPS) 在目标电线上.